Dear colleagues,
I would like to bring to your attention two forthcoming meetings in London on 13-14 March.
I look forward to seeing you in London!
- AtlanticArray meeting on Thursday March 13 2025 at University College London, UK:
The goal of this meeting is to finalise a white paper on an AtlanticArray concept that has now been under discussion for ~1.5 years at EGU 2023, IUGG 2023, EGU 2024 and Orfeus meetings. Please email if you can attend at the latest by February 13 and we’ll add your names to the participants list.
+ Ocean Bottom Geophysics meeting on Friday March 14 2025 at the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) in London, UK:
Here is a link for the meeting’s details, including for registration and abstract submission:
Deadline for abstract submission: 31 January 2025
Invited speakers: Prof. Donna Shillington (Northern Arizona University, USA) and Prof. Karin Sigloch (GeoAzur, University of Nice, France)
Meeting organisers: Ana Ferreira (UCL), Tim Henstock (Univ. Southampton), Stephen Hicks (UCL), Mike Kendall (Univ. Oxford), Neil Mitchell (Univ. Manchester), Christine Peirce (University of Durham)