Dear All,
as the deadlines for abstract submission to SSA (08 Jan.) and EGU (15 Jan.) approach,
I am sending this reminder and taking the liberty to highlight sessions that could be interesting for
the ORFEUS Community. The list is certainly not exhaustive, so I Invite you to check the list of sessions
for each conference.
Best wishes,
- Community Efforts in Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- ESC-SSA Joint Session: Seismology in the Global Oceans: Advances in Methods and Observations
- Fiber-optic Sensing Applications in Seismology
- Fifty Years and Beyond of Broadband Seismic Instrumentation: Performance, Precision and Uncertainties
- Modern Waveform Processing and Engineering Datasets - Accessibility, Quality Control, and Metadata
- Network Seismology: Recent Developments, Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Station Installations and Site Conditions, a Quest for Improved Strong Motion Database
- SM2.2 Machine learning for time series in geophysics
- SM2.3 Innovative Approaches to Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing, and Uncertainties Estimation.
- SM3.1 Fibre-optic point and distributed sensing in the geosciences
- SM3.2 Advancing Ocean Bottom Seismology and Geophysics: from novel instrumentation and data processing to new scientific discoveries
- SM3.3 Next-Generation Seismic Networks and Seismological Data Infrastructures
- SM8.5 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Monitoring and its civil and scientific applications
- ITS1.17/ESSI4.1 Inter- and Transdisciplinary Studies of the Geosphere: challenges and new perspectives