Dear colleagues,
We want to draw your attention to Session 12 dedicated to the Geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean at the 39th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC) in Corfu, Greece, held from 22 to 27 September 2024. The abstract submission deadline is Friday, April 12th 2024
The Central Mediterranean, where the African and Eurasian plates converge, has long captivated the scientific community due to its complex geological and tectonic history. This session is dedicated to exploring the complex geodynamics that shape the region of the Calabrian Arc, encompassing the Tyrrhenian Sea, Sicily Channel, and Western Ionian Sea. This session aims to gather the latest understanding of the underlying processes that influence seismic activity, crustal deformation, volcanism, and plate interactions, and the role the subduction zone and continental collision have on the region. Such studies help us understand the distribution of stress and strain in this region, which ultimately are crucial for assessing seismic risk and improving our ability to mitigate potential disasters. Researchers are invited to present their latest advancements in seismology, tomographic imaging, geophysical and geodynamics modelling, tectonics, geology, geodesy, remote sensing, and paleoseismology. Interdisciplinary work is highly welcome. We strongly encourage the contribution of early career researchers.
Invited talk by Manuele Faccenda
Looking forward to your abstract
Matthew Agius, Fabio Cammarano, Andrea Cannata, Alexandra Moshou