IAGA-IASPEI 2025: J03 Abstract Submission

Dear Colleagues,

This year the IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Meeting will take place in Lisbon, 31/Aug-5/Sept, 2025 (https://iaga-iaspei-2025.org).

Abtract submission is open and the deadline is quickly approaching - 12/March/2025 (https://iaga-iaspei-2025.org/abstract-submission/). Please consider submitting an abstract to our Joint IAGA-IASPEI Symposium:

J03 Exploring crust and mantle beneath the oceans, solid Earth-Ocean interactions and soundscape in the oceans: innovative instrumentation, processing ocean-bottom and floating sensor data and scientific achievements

Convener: Shima Abadi (USA)
Co-convener(s): Kiyoshi Baba (Japan), Carmen Gaina (Norway), Wolfram Geissler (Germany), Patty Lin (Taiwan), Afonso Loureiro (Portugal), Luis Matias (Portugal), Shunguo Wang (Norway)

Most existing Earth’s crust and mantle models are still constrained by continental observations, since the vast majority of sensors for solid Earth geophysics are deployed on the continents. Structures beneath two thirds of the Earth’s surface covered by oceans are still poorly constrained and explored.
Over the past three decades, the possibilities for conducting long-term experiments on the ocean bottom (e.g., in geodesy, seismology, magnetotellurics) have steadily increased due to advances in instrumentation, in particular broadband sensors. Especially, deployments within the framework of Pacific Array greatly improved our knowledge on the ocean hemisphere, beside temporary targeted deployments in the Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern oceans. Yet technical and logistical circumstances for ocean-bottom deployments remain challenging and costly. In addition, floating sensors start to fill data gaps globally.
Applications of fibre-optic sensing technologies to Earth Sciences investigations in the ocean floor have seen a recent and explosive development that is currently extending to Biology and the characterization of soundscape in the oceans.
We welcome contributions from all fields of ocean-based measurements for solid earth geophysics, showcasing recent developments and scientific achievements. This includes different kinds of ocean bottom instrumentation, floating sensors, experiment design, and scientific discoveries from ocean-based or amphibian deployments. We also invite submissions on broad applications of different fibre-optic sensors, including DAS but not exclusively and the innovation they bring to Geosciences and related disciplines.

Please find more info here: https://iagaiaspei2025.ecomailapp.cz/public/show/256/9/147855e5d795c411d2ebde1f20757ecf.

See you in Lisbon!

Shima, Kiyoshi, Carmen, Wolfram, Patty, Afonso, Luis, Shunguo