Dear colleagues,
with this message, we would like to announce a call for contributions to the special issue in Annals of Geophysics entitled
“Recent large-scale temporary passive seismic experiments in Europe: deployment and data quality”.
We would like to gather a tentative list of possible contributions. Please, declare you interest in publishing a manuscript in this special issue by filling in the form given under the following link. The link also includes full text of the call:
This is to understand if there will be enough contributions to this special issue. Declaration of interest is however not a precondition for a publication in this special issue. By filling out the declaration of interest, we could guess the size of the special issue.
Submission will be opened on June 1, 2024 and closed on November 30, 2024. The accepted papers are expected to be released by spring 2025. Submission guidelines are to be found here:
We look forward to your contributions!
Best regards, the guest editors
Irene Molinari, Petr Kolínský, Gergana Georgieva and Thomas Meier